More Green Less Co2
The world is heading towards total destruction, and humanity is heading towards its extinction. Unfortunately this is not a Hollywood movie and most people still don't realize it.
Our evolution on this planet ended up requiring a series of adaptations that are causing climate change that can be catastrophic in a short period of time, and if today it is still possible to reverse this, we do not know when the deadline will be and there is no going back where we will not be able to more to save the planet and all life on it.
So what can we do? We need to act fast, do you agree? And how to act? With that in mind, our team has pored over a plethora of scientific studies over the last 20 years to understand how we ordinary people without millions of dollars to invest in green technologies could and SHOULD do to help save the planet. The main cause of this, as we all know, is the emission of Co2, especially based on petroleum and its derivatives. And in the short term it just seems impossible to resolve this issue. Almost everything we know and need is based on this formula.
So we started thinking, if we can't turn off the Co2 switch now, what can make its levels go down in the atmosphere? That it doesn't cost so much and that we could all do, without depending on big companies or governments?
This is how the MORE GREEN LESS CO2 project was born! We bring together the best professionals from different areas, from biology, to climatologists, from botanists to chemists, in an almost desert area in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazilian state, to accelerate the process of revitalizing green areas with severe deforestation, so that, even a small seedling of what will one day be a large tree, can already in its first months of life, steal Co2 from the atmosphere and thus, help to reduce this risk that should be taking away our sleep. And this is the result! (Do not panic)
All this in less than 10 YEARS! This is because the project simulates how nature restores itself, on its own, and accelerates it.
And you can't even imagine the BEST part. A “side effect” of these reforested areas was the return of water. YES…an area that was becoming desert started to generate new sources of water. This happens because of the moisture in the air, which is retained more forcefully and, over time, infiltrates the soil and generates new sources of water. Is that wonderful or isn't it? Is better. Imagine the African people facing terrible droughts, how much could their lives be transformed with a situation like this? A lot isn't it?
The problem we face today is the speed with which we were able to take the GREENER LESS CO2 project to other parts of Brazil and the world. And since we don't have help from big financiers or governments, we have to work like an ant, one person at a time helping us. And your help is very important so that we can take this transformation to the 4 corners of the world.
Only then, through good people like you, can we really save the planet.
Can we count on your help?
With just $6.90 a month you help plant 12 trees a year.
With just $15.90 a month you help plant 36 trees a year.
And for just $37.90 a month you help grow an AWESOME 120 a year!
It might not seem like much. But only when we truly engage in this cause will we see the result happen.
The biggest problem with this is that a significant portion of people still don't realize the size of the problem, of those who do, a part is waiting for someone to do something, and only a minority really woke up to this urgency. That's why everything keeps getting worse.
What kind of person are you? The one that still doesn't understand the problem, the one that you expect someone to solve or the one that does its part today?
Let's come together to accelerate this process. The future of the planet and humanity depends on what each of us does today!
Can we count on your help?
Best Regards.